Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fueling Your Oil Burner

Before you ever purchase any waste oil burner you need to make certain that you are going to have the proper supply to fuel it. This machine can only save you thousands if its actually running.

Like I have stated I own a mobile fleet maintenance company. I actually generated way more waste oil than I need throughout the year. During the winter I put my garage at 80 degrees just so I can burn more oil and free up some space.

I was able to get a lot of nice 250 gallon totes from Craigslist, Ebay, and various tire shops. You can usually get for $50-$100 a piece. Depending on who you get them for you can get them for free half the time.

Oil is never an issue with me. I can go out at 9AM in the morning and when I get back at 4PM in the afternoon I can have several fifteen gallon containers filled with waste oil.

Honestly my point is really not to brag here. That is really far from what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to drive home a point that unless you own or run an oil change establishment or business you need to have your waste oil needs in mind so you can actually have something to fuel and run your oil burner.

I would highly suggest you talking with a tire shop or several mechanic shops and asking if you could pick up their used oil. Many of them will readily say yes. You can even offer to supply them with a 250 gallon tote and tell them that you will come monthly to suck it out. There are also transmission shops that you can talk to. Transmission oil is actually the best type of substance you can put into your oil burner but its hard to get a hold of. Vegetable oil will work as well.

So the moral of this story is...have your supply firmly in place before you actually purchase your machine. Believe me when I say that this will save you a lot of headaches.

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